Quality of Service Fairness

Quality oService (QoS) fairness is a technique which improves the fairness of multiple virtual path flows by classifying each path into one of 16 different classes. These 16 different classes can each be categorized into one of three basic types:

  1. Realtime classes – paths which require prompt service
  2. Interactive classes – paths with lower priority than realtime, but higher priority over bulk classes
  3. Bulk classes – paths with lowest priority

The bandwidth requirements for each type of class are specified by the user. The virtual path scheduler then utilizes the Hierarchical Fair Service Curve (HFSC) algorithm to ensure QoS fairness is maximized. [1]


Related Links

IEEE Paper: Fairness and QoS in multihop wireless networks

IEEE Paper: Appliation QoS Fairness in Wireless Video Scheduling