We identify the best available products, re-engineered or developed if necessary, to create the most effective and cost beneficial RF and Free Space Optical satellite ground terminal solutions.
PathFinder Digital works with COTS antenna manufacturers to modify and enhance their satellite terminals to meet the specific needs/MIL-SPECs of individual government programs. We ensure compliance with the requirements of the target program and operation compatible with the program’s Concept of Operations (CONOPS). PathFinder designs, fabricates, and integrates these enhancements at the lowest possible price.
PathFinder specializes in “ruggedizing” COTS equipment ensuring compliance with environmental and MIL-SPEC requirements. We adapt COTS products for our customers so that their products can successfully be sold into the U.S. DoD and other military markets.
Due to its small size and low overhead, PathFinder is able to quickly and inexpensively develop solutions tailored to meet each customer’s need with low pass-through. PathFinder is agnostic to antenna and component suppliers, enabling it to choose “best of class” equipment. Due to its extensive network of industry partners, PathFinder has the skills to develop solutions when none otherwise exist in the industry.

Our Vision
To be the premier supplier of customized, ruggedized, MIL-SPEC compliant VSAT solutions for military, government and commercial applications
Our Mission
To provide the highest quality VSAT solutions, customized to meet the specific needs of each program, to fully serve
Bring PathFinder your unique needs. PathFinder will bring you great solutions.
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